

Veterinarian in Fort Myers, FL serving Lee, Charlotte, and Collier counties.​

Animal Care Guides

Proper husbandry is one of the most effective ways to improve the long-term health of your pet. Understanding your animal’s unique needs is essential. These basic care guides will help you provide them with the best care possible.




Small Mammals


cockatoo vet visit

Common Questions and Answers

Why is it important to go to a vet that only treats exotic animals?

We know that you have many choices when it comes to veterinary care, and we appreciate you choosing us. One of the reasons that we believe we are best able to care for your exotic pets is because we do not see any dogs or cats at our clinic. This way, we can put all of our focus and effort into giving your pets optimum care. Veterinarians that see dogs, cats and exotics likely do not see nearly the volume of exotics that they see of dogs and cats. For example, a typical small animal vet may see one rabbit a month. That would mean they would see 12 rabbits a year. It is very common for the doctors at Medlin Exotic Animal Medical Services to see 3 or more rabbits in a day. That is 780 or more rabbits in a year.
In terms of human medicine, would you prefer your psychiatrist to perform surgery on you? What about having the radiologist deliver your baby? If these questions seem absurd, that is because they are! It makes sense to go to the type of doctor that knows what they are doing in that field for both human and animal medicine. We have the utmost respect for veterinarians caring for your dogs and cats. They do a great job taking care of the species of animals they are familiar with. And, we know how to care for the species that we are familiar with as well.

Why is small companion mammal dentistry so important?

Rabbits and rodents have certain teeth that are referred to as “hypsodont.” This means that the teeth are continuously growing. So, if the teeth become misaligned in any way, the problem can become exacerbated by the teeth continuously growing. While an untrained eye can easily see the front teeth or incisors, it takes specialized equipment and knowledge for veterinarians to recognize this happening to the cheek teeth or molars. If dental issues are not corrected quickly, this can not only lead to pain and discomfort for the animal, but it can also cause the animal to be unable to eat. Rabbits and rodents need to be eating frequently to be healthy. They cannot survive long periods of time without eating. Luckily, the veterinarians at Medlin Exotic Animal Medical Services can both recognize dental issues and perform corrective procedures to alleviate dental problems.

Why should you come to us with your pet’s emergency?

Before reading this section, we would appreciate you reading our statement regarding why it is important to go to a vet that only sees exotic animals. An emergency situation is not a great time to take chances on a veterinarian that does not have lots of experience with exotic animals.

In addition to this, when an animal has an emergency, it is imperative to have it seen by a veterinary professional immediately. Many animals hide their illness until they are very close to dying. This is a protective mechanism that animals use in the wild so that they are less likely to be preyed upon. Unfortunately, even when animals are in loving homes, they still have this defense mechanism instinctually. So, when they begin to exhibit clinical signs, time is of the essence.


At Medlin Exotic Animal Medical Services, we will put forth our best efforts to provide quality care to your pets during emergencies. We know that these moments can be very traumatic for both you and your pet. We will do everything we can to produce a favorable outcome.

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